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Tenants in Alameda County will continue to be protected from most evictions under the Alameda County Eviction Moratorium beyond September 30, 2021. While statewide protections under AB 832 against non-payment evictions end on September 30, 2021, local protections continue to protect Alameda County tenants. The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium will continue for 60 days after the local public health emergency is declared over. As of now, the local public health emergency is on-going. The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium protects tenants from ALL evictions except those based on: an imminent public health and safety threat, an Ellis Act eviction, or a government order to vacate the building. Tenants are protected from ALL other evictions. In addition, late payment fines, fees, and interests are prohibited. And, any landlord action contrary to the moratorium can be penalized by a fine of $1000 per violation, as well as a criminal misdemeanor. 

In order to be as protected as possible, tenants who have been financially impacted by COVID should submit a COVID-19 Hardship Declaration to their landlord and, if they can, pay 25% of their total rent owed from September 2020 through September 2021 by September 30, 2021. However, even once AB 832 ends on September 30, 2021, Alameda County tenants are protected from most evictions under the Alameda County Eviction Moratorium, even if they have been unable to pay any of the back rent.

The pandemic continues to create an unprecedented massive public health crisis aggravating the already existent housing crisis in Alameda County. We are all tenant attorneys who have worked to alleviate this crisis for years. Although many of our physical offices are closed, we are continuing to work with and advocate for low-income tenants during the crisis. We are now hearing from community members who are terrified of being evicted once state protections end. Alameda County tenants are still protected by the local eviction moratorium even after the end of statewide protections. 

The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium is expressly permitted by state legislation under section 1179.05 et. seq. of the California Code of Civil Procedure. If you receive an eviction notice or a summons and complaint, or if you are facing landlord harassment, please call a tenants’ rights organization with any questions

Bay Area Legal Aid, (888) 382-3405
Centro Legal de la Raza, (510) 437-1554; tenantsrights@elahomecollection.com
East Bay Community Law Center, (510) 548-4040, ext. 201 
Eviction Defense Center, (510) 452-4541
Legal Assistance for Seniors, (510) 832-3040, ext. 344